On the Evening Before The Inauguration of President Trump, Another J6er Nervously Awaits Daybreak From a Jail Cell in the Mountains. READ HIS STORY HERE! “They are Poisoning Us With Liver Burgers!” ENTRAPMENT VIDEOS!
On the evening before the last day of the Biden’s reign of terror, another J6er nervously awaits the Inauguration of President Trump from a jail cell in the mountains of Kentucky.
“I’m so nervous,” Phil Grillo told the Gateway Pundit. “How will I know if I’m on the pardon list? Right now, if there’s a blizzard outside I will walk right out this door if they let me.”
The inauguration is less than 18 hours from now. For Grillo, a peaceful J6 prisoner hoping for a pardon, everything is riding on President Trump being sworn in at noontime tomorrow. Fresh air, freedom, a warm blanket, a real cigarette…
Please take the time to read the story of political prisoner Phil Grillo on the eve of the Inauguration and pray for his release!
Phil Grillo, a Marine from Queens, NY, awaits a pardon on the eve of the Inauguration.
Grillo, a United States Marine from Queens, New York, is being held in a cramped cell with sixteen other men, awaiting his fate. The cell is overfilled, sixteen men with ten beds shivering in ice cold of the night. Rapists, murderers, and then Grillo- a peaceful January 6th protestor and Trump Supporter convicted of a few misdemeanors.
“I’m not in here with guys convicted of misdemeanors, like I am,” said Grillo. “My last bunkmate was in for murder.”
Please listen to the Gateway Pundit’s interview with Phil Grillo from his jail in the mountains of Kentucky:
Here is an excerpt from the transcript of the interview with prisoner Phil Grillo:
Grillo- “We had chains on our legs, chains wrapped around the waist, and handcuffs (with black boxes covering them). If you move, it feels like your wrists are going to break. Literal torture! They tortured me and Enrique (Tarrio) for 11 hours straight, they tortured us! So, now I’m in the county jail in Kentucky. I’m waiting to transfer with State prisoners, county
prisoners, federal prisoners, all mixed together. I’m in here with some pretty hardcore people. My bunkmate left the other night. He was here for…he was here…he was here for murder! I’m not in a room with people who committed misdemeanors. You know. I’m in a room with people who gonna do some hard time!This jail is just disgusting. Filthy. It has one shower, 1 Bath, 1 toilet bowl. One thing for water. 5 bunks. Bunk-beds, right? Up-down, up-down, up-down, up-down and six people sleeping on the floor. They blast the heat…if I could be in my underwear I would. Then they blast the cold, to where I put thermals on and everyone’s under a blanket. The food is just crap. The place is absolutely filthy. Filthy! Theres a mop bucket in the bathroom, you know, with mold all over it! The food trays are just crap. I definitely…you wouldn’t even feed it to your dog. You wouldn’t feed the stuff to your dog!
Watch discovery footage from Phil Grillo’s trial showing Capitol police shoving protesters inside and finally locking them in there where THEY CAN’T LEAVE:
Grillo- Like I don’t eat. I don’t eat! No, I’ve been living on ramen noodles.And in Washington, let me tell you, Cara, all night long, shooing, I was shooing mice out of the cell and I was with like another capital protester, a patriot, his name is Matthew Purdy. We were shooing…I couldn’t block the door. Also we would have no clothes, because in Washington they just gave me the green thing. Anyway, all mice in and out of the cell all night long. All night long. That’s all there was…mice!They kept us in a locked cell for five days in the dark, me and Matthew Purdy. It was horrible for a couple of minutes I was like, “Oh, my God. I got to spend a year like this? In here?!? Because I’ve never been to jail before. I’ve never been, I’ve never, ever had been arrested. You know? I’ve never gotten any trouble, so I didn’t know what jail is like. Probably what they’re going to do is keep me here until after January 20th to see if I get a pardon or not. So that this way I have to go home from here. They’re not going to send me home! They’re going to let me go right out the door!
Grillo is a single Dad and raised his three sons alone.
Grillo- Liver…liver burgers!! It is absolutely disgusting. And I’m just stuck in the mountains. This is where….we are in the mountains over here!
Grillo, a United States Marine, was sentenced to one year jail time for basic trespassing misdemeanors this past December. He was supposed to get 90 days to home and straighten out his affairs, but his spiteful judge broke protocol and had Grillo handcuffed right after his trial and shipped off to a jail in Kentucky as soon as he was found guilty last month. Judge Royce Lamberth wanted to make sure Grillo suffered, and suspected that President Trump will pardon him in January.
“My lawyer said with his 45 years of law, he’s never seen anything like this,” Grillo told The Gateway Pundit. “Now, everyone else…let’s say this was 2023…they would have let me have 90 days to handle my affairs, to get my family in order to get my, you know, to get my life in order. Especially for misdemeanors. But he wanted to make sure, in case Trump pardons me, that I was gonna do some time.”
“My judge said I had intent…when I saw the sang the Star Bangled Banner on a megaphone that that showed intent,” said Grillo. “So he locked me up right away.”
STAR SPANGLED MATTERS- Forgotten No More. by guest writer Samantha Zherka (girlfriend of J6 political prisoner Phil Grillo)
“The January 6th 2021, event will live in infamy and will be the fatal scar that will permeate the decay spewed by the corrupt Biden Regime for generations to come. A pure miscarriage of justice, relentless prosecutions and persecution by perpetrators that are self-aggrandizing, filled with greed for power, who currently roam free while J6’ers are rotting in jail. These J6 Patriotic Americans, many former military men and women have been publicly ridiculed, defamed and treated like terrorists. Viciously pursued and prosecuted by this regimes corrupt DOJ Prosecutors, like US Attorney Mathew Graves whose unrelenting pursuit has costed our constitution and the people it serves grave harm.
Grillo and his girlfriend Samantha from the Bronx, NY.
Similarly, there are U.S. District Court judges, like Royce Lamberth, who show unrelenting bias. Though he claims to be a Reagan appointee, he is, in fact, a Carter appointee. Lamberth is regarded as the senior “leading voice” in the biased prosecutions and persecutions of many J6 defendants. In the recent sentencing hearing of Philip Sean Grillo, Judge Lamberth delivered a one-sided statement fueled by self-aggrandizing rhetoric, abandoning his own conscience. Heclaimed that he needed to speak out against “justifications for the Capitol attack,” presenting it as an affront to the integrity of the judicial system. He went on to assert that the J6 defendants subjected our Capitol and country to an anti-democratic rage. However, the only rage observed was during the Philip S. Grillo trial which lasted for nine days in 2023. The rage stemming from Lamberth during both trial and sentencing, the rage in the eyes of the jurors when over and again Philip Sean Grillo was called a Rioter, insurrectionists by all, including the judge. A Stage set for pure bias, a kangaroo court, with a jury tainted by prejudice and Judge Lamberth whose animosity toward President Trump and his assertions regarding the 2020 election fraud, was painfully obvious. The judge’s bias and disdain were clearly evident, undermining the fairness of the trial and raising serious concerns about the integrity of the proceedings.
Lamberth who spoke in length including frivolously claiming that 5 police officers died due to the J6’rs, gave excuse for imposing a harsh move during the sentencing hearing, alleging preservation of democracy and the separation of powers, immediately remanded Philip Sean Grillo into custody as a way to spat on President Elect Donald J. Trump intention to pardon the J6’rs. Lamberth went on to discuss the BLM protests and attempted to shade the horrors the American people witnessed during the far cry from “Summer of love” in 2020 and beyond.
However, I feel compelled to remind this senior citizen Lamberth that the J6 individuals that he has persecuted, did not engage in violent acts like burning down federal buildings, throwing Molotov cocktails at police, assaulting officers with bricks, or chanting “Pigs in a Blanket, Fry them like Bacon.” They did not destroy police stations, burn churches, occupy neighborhoods, or incite violence that resulted in injury, death, or rape. They did not topple historical statues in thename of BLM justice, loot, or assault innocent people—unlike the rioters from Antifa (a government-backed group) or BLM. Strikingly stark is that none of current January 6th persecuted and the ever-growing list of individuals who have been unjustly prosecuted, maliciously targeted did nothing more than voice their support for their President Trump and MAGA. Sitting quietly through this abhorrent self-serving rant of “Democracy blah blah” from a judge who has himself failed our democracy and mocked our judicial system was deeply frustrating. It was this same judge Lamberth who allowed prosecutors and witnesses to repeatedly call a defendant Philip Sean Grillo a “rioter” and “insurrectionist” throughout the trial, a deliberate effort to taint the jury’s perception. While ordinary citizens would be prosecuted for jurytampering or jury tampering influence, this senior judge acted as though he were above the law, blatantly disregarding the constitutional rights of Philip Grillo and the oath he took to uphold the constitution. Moreover, Judges similarly situated in J6 trials like Lamberth are participants in why our democracy came close to collapsing. The real attack on our democracy continues to be the relentless pursuit of citizens who dared to exercise their right to free speech in support of Trump. These U.S. Department of Justice hacks and biased judges clearly lack the competence to carry out their duties, which has shown the American people that no one should serve life or unlimited terms in any office. It is people like Lamberth with Extended tenures that breed self- serving prejudices and deception, designed for power to flourish unchecked. As a result, blind justice and Lady Justice no longer exist, as evidenced by the biased trial and sentencing of Philip Sean Grillo and all other January 6th Defendants.
Philip S. Grillo’s trial began with a jury that was clearly not composed of his peers, placing him at a significant disadvantage, much like many other defendants tried and convicted in Washington, D.C. What appeared to be a clear sign to me that the pool would be prejudiced against Philip Sean Grillo, was when the jury pool demonstrated a left leaning prejudice, established when jurors were asked about their preferred news sources, nearly all mentionedCNN and MSNBC. It can be inferred that true America first, MAGA loving citizens just don’t watch the fake news. Hence, Such a jury composition casted immediate doubt on the fairness of his trial. Yet, Lamberth in his sentencing rant alleged that Philip Sean Grillo was convicted by a jury of his peers. He failed to mention that they were not of his peers, that they were tainted by the onslaught of name calling “Rioter” and “Insurrectionists” and most importantly that most could be found to have political prejudices predisposed to the fake narrative circling in D.C and their own views of the event considering that they lived across the street from the capital. Yet, when asked if they knew about the J6 Event most said No or not really. Really? King Tut knows about J6. So how would a jury of mostly democrats, who live across from the capital, who heard the defendant be called specific names produce fairness in delivering a verdict?
To further highlight the bias and disadvantage, Lamberth refused to allow the defense to present certain evidence, claiming he would consider it during the sentencing phase. From the start, it seemed almost certain that Philip Sean Grillo would be found guilty. In an even more blatant miscarriage of justice, the prosecution failed to establish intent, yet Lamberth pressed forward, belligerently asserting that intent had been proven when Philip Sean Grillo was seen singing the Star-Spangled Banner during his sentencing. If singing in tribute to our country is now considered intent to overthrow it, then the majority of Americans would be guilty as well. The unsettling look in Lamberth’s eyes left me not only concerned for Grillo but for anyone who would appear before this ego-driven judge, who in my opinion, should be impeached and immediately removed from the bench. How dare you Lamberth partake in the worst injustice thiscountry has ever experienced. How dare you partake in the (Mens Rea) intent to crush the “Deplorables” or “ Garbage” who so dared to support President Trump. How dare you help taint the minds of the jury by calling and allowing all to call a defendant who was entitled to a fair and impartial trial, an Insurrectionists, and Rioter in the full knowing that a jury’s mind would be so tainted by the name in and by itself when said over and over again.
How dare you strangle therights of defendants to produce evidence in their defense at trial, How dare you know that the J6 event was a false narrative and an engineered event—an ” insurrection”— through entrapment and inducement, designed to create chaos and generate talking points about an “attack on democracy” and remain steadfast in helping destroy the very constitution you swore to uphold. Clearly, this served to distract from the truth and conceal the greatest act of treason inour history: the election fraud that installed a puppet president, one who now has been proven to lack the mental clarity necessary to lead. How dare you play God with the lives of innocent people and partake in the greatest miscarriage of justice all the while pretending to care about our republic and democracy. Maybe you do not know shame, but the history books will shame you and stain your legacy for generations to come.
Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on X HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at www.caracastronuova.com if you have any tips.
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” -Philippians 4:13